Er zijn nog een paar gratis proeflessen 'Indonesisch voor Beginners' in maart en april 2024. Klik hier voor meer info!

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leer online Indonesisch onder begeleiding van een ervaren docente

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Informatie en aanmelden cursus Indonesisch voor Beginners, incl. Zoomlessen (start: april 2024) Meer over onze beginnerscursus (video) Podcast Indisch & Indonesisch BaliBound Academy (cursussen Indonesisch) CLICK HERE OR SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH

Word lid van onze nieuwsbrief 'Sampai Jumpa'

voor een vleugje cultuur, een mespuntje bahasa Indonesia, en updates over de podcast 'Indisch & Indonesisch' en onze online cursussen Indonesisch


de podcast voor iedereen die interesse heeft in Indonesië, met een focus op taal en cultuur

Online Indonesian Language Courses

celebrating the languages and cultures of Indonesia

Are you after a unique holiday experience?

Start learning Indonesian today & make more meaningful connections during your next visit to Indonesia.


Keen to connect with the local population?

Being able to speak Indonesian will enable you to truly connect with the local population and create lasting memories.

Curious to learn more about Bali's magnificent cultures?

Understanding Bali's unique culture will enhance your holiday experience and take your adventure to the next level.

Ready to learn some Indonesian?

Then join my fun & hands-on "Kickstart Your Indonesian" challenge. The challenge can be done in your own time and includes an introductory workshop with me to get you started; a comprehensive workbook; and several short videos and audio files. You also get access to an exclusive Facebook community, where you can ask questions and get feedback.

"Hi there, Klarijn here, but feel free to call me Clare. I hold a PhD in Indonesian Studies and am passionate about learning and teaching languages. I've been working in academia for twenty-something years, as a language instructor, tutor, assistant professor, associate lecturer, and academic editor and translator, and have taught Indonesian to hundreds of students from a wide range of backgrounds for 15+ years. I have studied and lived in Indonesia on various locations for a number of years and have been managing a resort in East Bali since 2008. If you're interested in Indonesia and the Indonesian language, then I'd love to connect with you and share my knowledge of Indonesia's languages and cultures. Learning a new language is extremely rewarding and a great way to connect with others. If you're looking for a teacher to get you going or help you progress, I'd be delighted to assist you on your language-learning journey."

Klarijn Anderson-Loven, PhD
Founder of Indonesia Specialist Ltd & BaliBound Indonesian Language & Culture Courses

BaliBound Language & Culture Courses

a new generation of online Indonesian language courses

Learn Indonesian from an experienced, knowledgeable, and highly qualified (PhD) language tutor and practise with native speakers and fellow course members. 

Modern course content featuring highly relevant conversation topics and tools to improve and test your newly acquired language skills. 

Continuous and high-level support  throughout the courses, which ensures you will enjoy the learning process, move through the content with ease, and finish confidently.

Bali Beyond the Beach

Hello, and welcome to Bali Beyond the Beach – the blog for members of the Bali-bound community who are keen to learn more about #therealbali, especially its languages and cultures. 

Ah, Bali – all the wonderful clichés about it are true. It is a magnificent holiday destination – famous all over the world and loved by both first-time tourists and die-hard travellers. Bali is so popular with tourists that some think that the island is a country in its own right, or that Indonesia is a province of Bali rather than the other way around...

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